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Substance Abuse Prevention Skills Training

The Substance Abuse Prevention Skills Training, SAPST, developed by the US Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA), provides an introduction to the fundamentals of substance abuse prevention.  A broad base of science and research guide us in how to prevent negative behaviors such as alcohol, tobacco and other drug use.  This training is designed to provide prevention providers with skills to reduce the likelihood of substance abuse and promote well-being among individuals, and within families, workplaces, schools, and communities through a comprehensive strategic approach, the Strategic Prevention Framework.  Training is free.  There are no CEUs.


Opioids: At the Intersection of Pain, Addiction and Community

The opioid class of drugs has been front and center in two public health crises facing our society and the medical professions. On the one side there are millions of Americans who are debilitated by chronic pain and the suboptimal options for managing it. On the other side, we have persistent challenges associated with various chemicals that society takes recreationally and at times compulsively. These include the opioid class of drugs such as heroin and prescription painkillers. A fascinating part to this story is the neuroscience behind the natural opioid (endorphins) and their receptors that are found in all vertebrate brains including humans. This talk will delve into the neurobiology of opioids while connecting it to evolution, social behaviors and the community, ultimately offering some suggestions for addressing the crises. Registration fee includes breakfast and lunch.

Parent Involvement in Cognitive Behavioral Therapy for Adolescent Substance Use

This three-hour workshop will introduce essential principles and skills associated with cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT) for adolescent substance use.  Participants will learn how to conceptualize cases within a CBT framework, plan treatment, and apply basic CBT strategies to intervene with adolescents who misuse substances. Case examples and role plays will be used to demonstrate use of the following core CBT skills: positive activity scheduling, problem solving, thought changing, and affect regulation. Registration fee $40.00, Early Bird fee $30.00 if paid by June 4th, 2018

Tobacco Intervention: Basic Skills Training

Join other healthcare professionals at this one-day training to learn more about nicotine addiction and how to integrate brief, evidence-based tobacco treatment interventions into current practice. It has been well established that brief interventions can significantly increase quit attempts and lead to long term tobacco abstinence. Led by licensed healthcare professionals, this training will increase participants’ confidence for working with patients or clients who use tobacco.  Registration fee includes breakfast and lunch.

Principles of Motivational Interviewing: An Introductory Workshop

This introductory course is designed to help clinicians learn basic MI principles, and then translate that knowledge into practice to help individuals quit smoking. Multiple learning approaches will be used throughout the course, including didactics, video demonstrations, role plays, and small group discussions.  Registration fee includes breakfast and lunch.


Gambling Treatment Foundations

This workshop is designed to provide a solid foundation for initiating and sustaining clients in treatment for problem gambling.  We will focus on developing an understanding of the skill with key components in the treatment of problem and disordered gambling. An overview of evidence based treatment modalities for problem gambling will be presented and participants will have an opportunity, through interactive activities, to gain experience in using strategies for engagement, treatment planning and other interventions with gambling disordered clients. Specific attention will be devoted to addressing financial issues among clients experiencing gambling problems and how harm reduction strategies may be utilized.

Opioid Overdose Prevention

An interactive workshop that will introduce participants to the neurobiology of opioid addiction, focusing on the brain changes resulting from long-term opioid use and the implications for addiction treatment. This workshop will examine the risk factors for opioid overdose as well as the strategies for addressing these risks. Time will be spent discussing client education and counseling designed to reduce risks for opioid relapses and overdoses and how to integrate trauma-informed strategies into discussions with your clients. Finally, participants will be trained on how to use Narcan for reversing an opioid overdose. Lecture, discussion, case studies and exercises will be used to help participant’s gain knowledge and skills important in facing the current opioid epidemic.

Maine Annual Gambling Awareness Conference

Participants who attend this conference will:

  • ·       Gain an understanding of gambling addiction and the role of relapse prevention
  • ·       Learn about ways behavioral health education can effectively treat those with gambling addiction
  • ·       Learn about how prevention, treatment and recovery supports intersect and support each others efforts.

Scholarship information available.