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Healthcare Professional

Loneliness, Longing, and Belonging

This 2 day experiential training will explore and address loneliness, longing and belonging from an ACT (Acceptance and Commitment Therapy) perspective. We’ll review the basics of the mental, emotional and physical aspects of these unwanted private experiences. We’ll illustrate how people get “stuck” in these experiences – called psychological inflexibility – and end up acting in ways that keep them disconnected and isolated. We’ll illustrate how an ACT approach can help clients both make sense and make contact with these painful thoughts, feelings and sensations in the office. We’ll use the techniques of mindfulness and psychological flexibility to help them be open to making these experiences useful rather than to be avoided. And with increased psychological flexibility, we help them begin to build meaningful connections in their world. Early bird fee, $100.00 if paid by November 6th, 2018. Fee includes a continental breakfast and lunch.

Next Steps in Addressing Maine’s Opioid Crisis

This 3-hour education session will feature an update on Maine opioid prescribing laws and rules as well as clinical content with a compassionate, patient-centred perspective. Educational methods will include didactics, video, individual exercises and small group discussions.
The topics covered at this session will be:
• Opioid Use Disorder and Medication Assisted Recovery: Caring for Our Communities
• Alternative Treatments for Chronic Pain
• Recent Legal Changes Affecting Opioid Prescribing in Maine

Next Steps in Addressing Maine’s Opioid Crisis

This 3-hour education session will feature an update on Maine opioid prescribing laws and rules as well as clinical content with a compassionate, patient-centered perspective. Educational methods will include didactics, video, individual exercises and small group discussions.
The topics covered at this session will be:
• Opioid Use Disorder and Medication Assisted Recovery: Caring for Our Communities
• Alternative Treatments for Chronic Pain
• Recent Legal Changes Affecting Opioid Prescribing in Maine

Maine Public Health Association 2018 Annual Conference

 This year’s conference features 34 oral presentations about addiction, public health programs and research in Maine, a poster session, and a plenary presentation, “Public Health Reimagined: A Blueprint for Building a Modern, Responsive, and Relevant Public Health System in Maine”. Fees for conference are variable, please check the registration form.

Southern Maine Harm Reduction Conference

Please join the University of New England, the Collaborative SBIRT (Screening, Brief Intervention and Referral to Treatment) Training Grant, and the City of Portland’s Public Health Division for a series of workshops about ideas and strategies aimed at reducing negative consequences associated with substance use and other high-risk behaviors. Introductory, intermediate, and advanced sessions are available during all three workshop blocks. There will also be resource tables and an interactive, harm reduction-focused installation that explores the benefits of community health engagement locations. Registration fee includes a continental breakfast and a light lunch.

Supporting Families, Supporting Youth: Working with LGBT Young People and their Caregivers

Family connectedness and support is an important protective factor in the well-being of LGBT youth. However, many families and young people face challenges navigating their way to strong, affirming relationships. This training is geared towards a broad range of providers representing primary care, mental health, behavioral health, educators, community, clergy, etc. who work with LGBT youth and their families. A light lunch will be provided.


Annual Tobacco Treatment and Prevention Conference

This day-and-a-half annual conference and half-day post conference brings nationally recognized speakers and local experts together to discuss a wide array of tobacco treatment and prevention topics, new research, and innovative approaches to tobacco control. It also provides an opportunity to network with other tobacco treatment professionals from across the state. This is the third required training offered in the Tobacco Treatment Specialist Certificate pathway for healthcare professionals in Maine. Registration fees vary as to how many days attending.

Tobacco Treatment Groups as Healing Process: Exploring the Possibilities

Providing evidenced-based tobacco treatment in a group setting is an effective way to help people stop smoking or using other forms of tobacco. Group treatment can help to articulate and resolve a client’s ambivalence, raise awareness of tobacco related issues, increase self-esteem, and increase readiness for change. Registration fee includes a continental breakfast and lunch.


Tobacco Intervention: Intensive Training

This two-day training will build on knowledge gained in the Basic Skills Training. Participants will:

  • Explore the value of a comprehensive tobacco use assessment
  • Learn to develop effective treatment plans
  • Discuss considerations for medication management
  • Review relapse prevention strategies
  • Build on motivational interviewing and cognitive behavioral counseling skills

The registration fee includes continental breakfast and lunch.


Tobacco Intervention: Basic Skills Training

Join other health professionals in this one-day training to learn more about nicotine addiction and how to integrate brief, evidence-based tobacco treatment interventions into current practice. Led by licensed health professionals, this training will increase participants’ confidence for working with patients or clients who use tobacco. The registration fee includes a continental breakfast and lunch.