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Prevention Professionals Conference

Prevention Professionals Conference is designed to offer Maine’s Prevention Community a broad range of learning opportunities. The conference will focus on providing information and resources for the field of tobacco and substance use prevention including building resilience and protective factors as a prevention strategy; innovative approaches to addressing health disparities; framing and messaging; comorbidity tobacco and marijuana use; and engagement of youth in prevention. The program includes both panel presentations and plenary sessions that will provide the opportunity for interaction among participants. SAVE THE DATE

Shining a Light: Hidden Circumstances Affecting the Health and Well-being of Children and Families

Each year, pediatricians, family physicians, nurses, mental health clinicians, and other child health affiliates throughout Maine gather at our educational conferences for professional development and networking. Key topics for this year’s conference include childhood trauma and mental illness, promoting post-trauma growth using the Trauma Responsive Framework, the management and treatment of obesity, suicide risk assessment and treatment, human trafficking in Maine, Innovative Plans of Care for Substance Exposed Children & Families including Fetal Alchohol Syndrome, and substance use and vaping among adolescents. SAVE THE DATE

Current Trends in Street Drugs, Vaping and Prescription Medications of Abuse

This training will review the new diagnostic criteria in the DSM-V related to the substance use disorders as well as each of the major categories of the substances of abuse. The substances reviewed will include the narcotics, the stimulants, the sedative-hypnotics including alcohol, the hallucinogens, as well the latest designer drugs. In addition, the current issues related to vaping and commonly misused medication will be reviewed. Participants will also review current medication assisted treatments used to assist clients in stabilization and recovery from the substance use disorders.

Tobacco Intervention: Basic Skills Training

Join other health professionals in this one-day training to learn more about nicotine addiction and how to integrate brief, evidence-based tobacco treatment interventions into current practice. Led by licensed health professionals, this training will increase participants’ confidence for working with patients or clients who use tobacco. The registration fee includes a continental breakfast and lunch.

Tobacco Intervention: Basic Skills Training

Join other health professionals in this one-day training to learn more about nicotine addiction and how to integrate brief, evidence-based tobacco treatment interventions into current practice. Led by licensed health professionals, this training will increase participants’ confidence for working with patients or clients who use tobacco. Registration fee includes a continental breakfast and lunch.

Tobacco Intervention: Basic Skills Training

Join other health professionals in this one-day training to learn more about nicotine addiction and how to integrate brief, evidence-based tobacco treatment interventions into current practice. Led by licensed health professionals, this training will increase participants’ confidence for working with patients or clients who use tobacco. The registration fee includes a continental breakfast and lunch.

Tobacco Intervention: Basic Skills Training

Join other health professionals in this one-day training to learn more about nicotine addiction and how to integrate brief, evidence-based tobacco treatment interventions into current practice. Led by licensed health professionals, this training will increase participants’ confidence for working with patients or clients who use tobacco. Registration fee includes a continental breakfast and lunch.

Tobacco Intervention: Basic Skills Training

Join other health professionals in this one-day training to learn more about nicotine addiction and how to integrate brief, evidence-based tobacco treatment interventions into current practice. Led by licensed health professionals, this training will increase participants’ confidence for working with patients or clients who use tobacco. Registration fee includes a continental breakfast and lunch.