Program Overview: This program is a six hour, interactive, face-to-face training that provides public health professionals, emergency responders, and natural community helpers without former mental health education with the concepts and skills associated with psychological first aid. Additionally, this training is applicable to public health settings, the workplace, the military, mass disaster venues, and even the demands of critical incidents, e.g., dealing with the psychological aftermath of accidents, robberies, suicide, or community violence. Registration fee includes: training, lunch and certificate.
SAPST is a broad orientation to the field of substance use prevention. The modules cover the evidence-based process of the Strategic Prevention Framework: assessment, capacity building, prevention planning, implementation, evaluation, sustainability, and cultural competence. This training meets the criteria for the Maine Prevention Specialist credential requirement.
From its beginning in 2003, Maine’s Beyond the Basics in Suicide Prevention Conference has provided Maine health professionals, educators, clinicians, first responders and community members with “Best Practice” information, guidance and resources in suicide prevention and management efforts. The conference is designed for an adult audience that has attained basic training and knowledge in suicide and suicide prevention, and wishes to expand their knowledge and ability to engage in suicide prevention in Maine. The conference theme in 2019 is Building Resiliency Through Effective Interventions and will highlight a range of informative breakout sessions underscoring efforts to better assess and manage suicide risk as well as ways to support resilience.
This year’s conference features national experts on late life suicide and self-injury, as well as local professionals to address suicide prevention, intervention, and post-vention issues. The program will offer messages of hope and recognize a few of the caring Mainers who have made a difference.
Early Bird Registration $65.00.
The purpose of this conference is to raise awareness across the state about problem gambling, the important roles of education, prevention efforts, treatment services, and recovery supports.
Full scholarships available for this conference for qualified Maine behavioral health providers interested in joining the Maine Gambling Addiction Treatment Network. Please contact AdCare for scholarship information and details.
Featuring Stacy Vannah, Health Educator, Keynote Speaker.
Skill-building workshops, exhibit tables, networking
Please join the University of New England, the Collaborative SBIRT (Screening, Brief Intervention and Referral to Treatment) Training Grant, and the City of Portland’s Public Health Division for a series of workshops about ideas and strategies aimed at reducing negative consequences associated with substance use and other high-risk behaviors. Introductory, intermediate, and advanced sessions are available during all three workshop blocks. There will also be resource tables and an interactive, harm reduction-focused installation that explores the benefits of community health engagement locations. Registration fee includes a continental breakfast and a light lunch.
This day-and-a-half annual conference and half-day post conference brings nationally recognized speakers and local experts together to discuss a wide array of tobacco treatment and prevention topics, new research, and innovative approaches to tobacco control. It also provides an opportunity to network with other tobacco treatment professionals from across the state. This is the third required training offered in the Tobacco Treatment Specialist Certificate pathway for healthcare professionals in Maine. Registration fees vary as to how many days attending.
Providing evidenced-based tobacco treatment in a group setting is an effective way to help people stop smoking or using other forms of tobacco. Group treatment can help to articulate and resolve a client’s ambivalence, raise awareness of tobacco related issues, increase self-esteem, and increase readiness for change. Registration fee includes a continental breakfast and lunch.
This two-day training will build on knowledge gained in the Basic Skills Training. Participants will:
- Explore the value of a comprehensive tobacco use assessment
- Learn to develop effective treatment plans
- Discuss considerations for medication management
- Review relapse prevention strategies
- Build on motivational interviewing and cognitive behavioral counseling skills
The registration fee includes continental breakfast and lunch.
Join other health professionals in this one-day training to learn more about nicotine addiction and how to integrate brief, evidence-based tobacco treatment interventions into current practice. Led by licensed health professionals, this training will increase participants’ confidence for working with patients or clients who use tobacco. The registration fee includes a continental breakfast and lunch.