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Suicide Prevention

Prevention Professionals Conference

Prevention Professionals Conference is designed to offer Maine’s Prevention Community a broad range of learning opportunities. The conference will focus on providing information and resources for the field of tobacco and substance use prevention including building resilience and protective factors as a prevention strategy; innovative approaches to addressing health disparities; framing and messaging; comorbidity tobacco and marijuana use; and engagement of youth in prevention. The program includes both panel presentations and plenary sessions that will provide the opportunity for interaction among participants. SAVE THE DATE

Shining a Light: Hidden Circumstances Affecting the Health and Well-being of Children and Families

Each year, pediatricians, family physicians, nurses, mental health clinicians, and other child health affiliates throughout Maine gather at our educational conferences for professional development and networking. Key topics for this year’s conference include childhood trauma and mental illness, promoting post-trauma growth using the Trauma Responsive Framework, the management and treatment of obesity, suicide risk assessment and treatment, human trafficking in Maine, Innovative Plans of Care for Substance Exposed Children & Families including Fetal Alchohol Syndrome, and substance use and vaping among adolescents. SAVE THE DATE

Applied Suicide Intervention Skills

ASIST Learn the Skills.  Help Save a Life. Suicide is preventable.  Anyone can make a difference. Two day workshop in suicide intervention skills.  Learn and practice a life-saving intervention model. Widely used by professionals and general public.

Applied Suicide Intervention Skills Training

ASIST is a two-day interactive workshop in suicide first-aid. ASIST teaches participants to recognize when someone may be at risk of suicide and work with them to create a plan that will support their immediate safety. Although ASIST is widely used by healthcare providers, participants don’t need any formal training to attend the workshop—ASIST can be learned and used by anyone.
Applied Suicide Intervention Skills Training is for everyone 16 or older—regardless of prior experience—who would like to gain suicide first aid skills. Shown by major studies to significantly reduce suicidality, the ASIST model teaches effective intervention skills while helping to build suicide prevention networks in the community

Beyond the Basics In Suicide Prevention 2019

From its beginning in 2003, Maine’s Beyond the Basics in Suicide Prevention Conference has provided Maine health professionals, educators, clinicians, first responders and community members with “Best Practice” information, guidance and resources in suicide prevention and management efforts. The conference is designed for an adult audience that has attained basic training and knowledge in suicide and suicide prevention, and wishes to expand their knowledge and ability to engage in suicide prevention in Maine. The conference theme in 2019 is Building Resiliency Through Effective Interventions and will highlight a range of informative breakout sessions underscoring efforts to better assess and manage suicide risk as well as ways to support resilience.
This year’s conference features national experts on late life suicide and self-injury, as well as local professionals to address suicide prevention, intervention, and post-vention issues. The program will offer messages of hope and recognize a few of the caring Mainers who have made a difference.
Early Bird Registration $65.00.

2018 Prevention Professionals Day

SAVE THE DATE! Check back to learn more about the agenda or to register…

Prevention Professionals Day is designed to offer Maine’s Prevention Community a broad range of learning opportunities. The day will focus on providing tools and resources for the field of prevention including the basics of primary prevention, the state, regional, and local landscape of prevention, workforce development opportunities, etc.  The program includes both panel presentations and plenary sessions that will provide the opportunity for interaction among the participants.

Target Audience:
The target audience of this conference includes community prevention coalition professionals and members; substance use and mental health prevention and health promotion practitioners; program managers and administrators; state agency prevention staff; volunteers and task force members; and others who deliver substance abuse and mental health prevention services or who are interested in prevention issues and practice.

Supporting Families, Supporting Youth: Working with LGBT People and Caregivers

Family connectedness and support is an important protective factor in the well-being of LGBT youth. However, many families and young people face challenges navigating their way to strong, affirming relationships.  This training is geared towards a broad range of providers representing primary care, mental health, behavioral health, educators, community, clergy, etc. who work with LGBT youth and their families.  Event is free, you must pre-register.  Check in begins at 8:30 a.m. A light lunch will be provided.

Applied Suicide Intervention Skills Training

ASIST is a two-day interactive workshop in suicide first-aid. ASIST teaches participants to recognize when someone may be at risk of suicide and work with them to create a plan that will support their immediate safety. Although ASIST is widely used by healthcare providers, participants don’t need any formal training to attend the workshop—ASIST can be learned and used by anyone. Scholarships are available for this training.

Beyond the Basics in Suicide Prevention

The Beyond the Basics conference serves as a “best practice” conference offering participant in-depth and progressive information and the latest research in the field of suicide and suicide prevention. The conference is designed for an adult audience that has attained basic training and knowledge in suicide and suicide prevention, and wishes to expand their knowledge and ability to engage in suicide prevention in Maine.