Join us for our 5th annual LGBTQ+ Healthcare Conference. This year the Wabanaki Two-Spirit Alliance will be providing our keynote address and the conference will center around the theme of rural health. This annual conference brings together providers and community members to learn about LGBTQ+ health disparities and build collaborative energy around their different work to address these issues across Maine.
Risk Reduction
Adolescence is a time when young people’s brains are changing and developing rapidly, causing them to approach decision‐making in new and different ways. Understanding how youth think about risks and choices around substance use, relationships, sexuality, and other health behaviors is key to developing prevention approaches that are truly effective. This training is geared for a wide range of professionals working with youth around behavior change, risk reduction, and health promotion. Registration fee includes light snacks.
Adolescence is a time when young people’s brains are changing and developing rapidly, causing them to approach decision‐making in new and different ways. Understanding how youth think about risks and choices around substance use, relationships, sexuality, and other health behaviors is key to developing prevention approaches that are truly effective. This training is geared for a wide range of professionals working with youth around behavior change, risk reduction, and health promotion. Fee includes a light snack.