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Prevention Specialist

Tobacco Intervention: Basic Skills Training

Join other health professionals in this one-day training to learn more about nicotine addiction and how to integrate brief, evidence-based tobacco treatment interventions into current practice. Led by licensed health professionals, this training will increase participants’ confidence for working with patients or clients who use tobacco. Registration fee includes a continental breakfast and lunch.

Tobacco Intervention: Basic Skills Training

Join other health professionals in this one-day training to learn more about nicotine addiction and how to integrate brief, evidence-based tobacco treatment interventions into current practice. Led by licensed health professionals, this training will increase participants’ confidence for working with patients or clients who use tobacco. The registration fee includes a continental breakfast and lunch.

Tobacco Intervention: Basic Skills Training

Join other health professionals in this one-day training to learn more about nicotine addiction and how to integrate brief, evidence-based tobacco treatment interventions into current practice. Led by licensed health professionals, this training will increase participants’ confidence for working with patients or clients who use tobacco. Registration fee includes a continental breakfast and lunch.

Tobacco Intervention: Basic Skills Training

Join other health professionals in this one-day training to learn more about nicotine addiction and how to integrate brief, evidence-based tobacco treatment interventions into current practice. Led by licensed health professionals, this training will increase participants’ confidence for working with patients or clients who use tobacco. Registration fee includes a continental breakfast and lunch.

Protective Factors in Strengthening Maine Families

Protective Factors in Strengthening Maine Families

Protective Factors in Strengthening Maine Families Training is for those who provide programs that support families. The training will offer opportunities to increase capacity to build protective factors that promote optimal development and prevent abuse and neglect.  Registration is free – Must pre-register – Lunch can be purchased during registration.

Protective Factors in Strengthening Maine Families

 Protective Factors in Strengthening Maine Families

Protective Factors in Strengthening Maine Families Training is for those who provide programs that support families. The training will offer opportunities to increase capacity to build protective factors that promote optimal development and prevent abuse and neglect.  Registration is free – Must pre-register – Lunch can be purchased during registration.

Protective Factors in Strengthening Maine Families

Protective Factors in Strengthening Maine Families

Protective Factors in Strengthening Maine Families Training is for those who provide programs that support families. The training will offer opportunities to increase capacity to build protective factors that promote optimal development and prevent abuse and neglect.  Registration is free – Must pre-register – Lunch can be purchased during registration.

Protective Factors in Strengthening Maine Families

 Protective Factors in Strengthening Maine Families

Protective Factors in Strengthening Maine Families Training is for those who provide programs that support families. The training will offer opportunities to increase capacity to build protective factors that promote optimal development and prevent abuse and neglect.  Registration is free – Must pre-register – Lunch can be purchased during registration.


Protective Factors in Strengthening Maine Families

Protective Factors in Strengthening Maine Families

Protective Factors in Strengthening Maine Families Training is for those who provide programs that support families. The training will offer opportunities to increase capacity to build protective factors that promote optimal development and prevent abuse and neglect.  Registration is free – Must pre-register – Lunch can be purchased during registration.

The Role of Life Experience in Raising Healthy, Thriving Children & Communities

The Role of Childhood Experience in Raising Healthy, Thriving Children and Communities

This three-hour, inter-active session will provide participants with an introduction to the Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACE) Study including what ACEs can look like, sound like, and feel like for those impacted, as well as the potential impact of toxic stress upon healthy brain development. We will explore the prevalence of ACEs in Maine as well as examine Adverse Community Environments and their impact on children, families and communities. Additionally, through large and small group activities, we will learn strategies that help to build or promote resilience for healthy and thriving children, families and communities. Registration is Free – Must pre-register – Lunch can be purchased during registration