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Motivational Interviewing

Creating A Culture of Employment

Work provides benefits to all of us, beyond the obvious benefit of a paycheck. It gives structure to our days, can boost self-esteem, and provides income that affords us more choices. It also offers opportunities to be a part of, and give back to, our community. Employment is a vital part of supporting individuals to gain greater independence, experience more social inclusion, resiliency and recovery, live more self-determined lives and build social capital.  Join us for “Creating a Culture of Employment” to learn how you can incorporate employment into the work you do with the individuals you serve. This training will draw from tools such as Motivational Interviewing and Stages of Change and evidence-base supported employment and give you tools to develop or enhance a culture of employment in the services you provide to people.  Registration fee includes a continental breakfast and light lunch.

Substance Abuse Prevention Skills Training (SAPST)

SAPST is a broad orientation to the field of substance use prevention. The modules cover the evidence-based process of the Strategic Prevention Framework: assessment, capacity building, prevention planning, implementation, evaluation, sustainability, and cultural competence. This training meets the criteria for the Maine Prevention Specialist credential requirement.

Tobacco Intervention: Intensive Training

This two-day training will build on knowledge gained in the Basic Skills Training. Participants will:

  • Explore the value of a comprehensive tobacco use assessment
  • Learn to develop effective treatment plans
  • Discuss considerations for medication management
  • Review relapse prevention strategies
  • Build on motivational interviewing and cognitive behavioral counseling skills

The registration fee includes continental breakfast and lunch.


Tobacco Intervention: Basic Skills Training

Join other health professionals in this one-day training to learn more about nicotine addiction and how to integrate brief, evidence-based tobacco treatment interventions into current practice. Led by licensed health professionals, this training will increase participants’ confidence for working with patients or clients who use tobacco. The registration fee includes a continental breakfast and lunch.

Tobacco Intervention: Basic Skills Training

Join other health professionals in this one-day training to learn more about nicotine addiction and how to integrate brief, evidence-based tobacco treatment interventions into current practice. Led by licensed health professionals, this training will increase participants’ confidence for working with patients or clients who use tobacco. Registration fee includes a continental breakfast and lunch.

Tobacco Intervention: Basic Skills Training

Join other health professionals in this one-day training to learn more about nicotine addiction and how to integrate brief, evidence-based tobacco treatment interventions into current practice. Led by licensed health professionals, this training will increase participants’ confidence for working with patients or clients who use tobacco. The registration fee includes a continental breakfast and lunch.

Tobacco Intervention: Basic Skills Training

Join other health professionals in this one-day training to learn more about nicotine addiction and how to integrate brief, evidence-based tobacco treatment interventions into current practice. Led by licensed health professionals, this training will increase participants’ confidence for working with patients or clients who use tobacco. Registration fee includes a continental breakfast and lunch.

Tobacco Intervention: Basic Skills Training

Join other health professionals in this one-day training to learn more about nicotine addiction and how to integrate brief, evidence-based tobacco treatment interventions into current practice. Led by licensed health professionals, this training will increase participants’ confidence for working with patients or clients who use tobacco. Registration fee includes a continental breakfast and lunch.

Principles of Motivational Interviewing: An Introductory Workshop

This introductory course is designed to help clinicians learn basic MI principles, and then translate that knowledge into practice to help individuals quit smoking. Multiple learning approaches will be used throughout the course, including didactics, video demonstrations, role plays, and small group discussions.  Registration fee includes breakfast and lunch.


Motivational Interviewing Basics for Prevention Specialists

This two-day training will provide an introduction to the evidence and practice-based communication method of motivational interviewing (MI). Motivational Interviewing is a person-centered, evidence-based directive method for enhancing intrinsic motivation to change by exploring and resolving ambivalence. After orientation to the underlying spirit and principles of MI, we will focus on practical exercises to help Prevention Specialists strengthen empathic reflection skills, and introduce complex reflection skills. We will begin to recognize and elicit change talk and learn how to roll with resistance/discord. Research evidence will be reviewed for the efficacy of MI and for the importance of it in substance use prevention with emphasis on the Prevention Specialist’s relationship with the community served toward positive outcomes. (Fee covers registration for both days, breakfast and lunch)