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Maine Military & Community Network Statewide Conference

The keynote speaker, Dr. Carolyn Allard will talk about moral injury, guilt, and shame in the morning. In the afternoon, she will discuss Trauma Informed Guilt Reduction (TrGR training).  Afternoon breakouts will include a presentation from Francine Stark from the Maine Coalition of Domestic Violence, a briefing on Military 101 from the Maine National Guard, and training on post-traumatic effects on the relationship from the Lewiston Vet Center. There will be plenty of military and veteran informational and networking opportunities throughout the day, a panel presentation by Gold Star family members, and breakout sessions that include important and timely issues for military and people who work with them. Veteran Service Representatives will also be available. To round out the day, VetTalkX: Maine Women Veterans will feature five to six Veterans sharing their personal stories of inspiration and accomplishments since leaving the military.  Registration fee for Military Personnel and Veterans $10.00.

Veteran Mentor of Maine Seminar

Our work involves Supporting and Mentoring Veterans who are involved with the Co-occurring Disorders Drug Court. You will have the opportunity to network with Court Officials, VA Representatives, Maine PreTrial Services, and other Mental Health workers on a weekly basis. You will provide mentoring, referrals for services, and occasional transportation.  The free seminar will be at the University of Southern Maine, Portland Campus, Room 1 of Payson Smith Hall, located on Falmouth Street. There will be free parking at the USM parking garage on Bedford Street. April 18th, 6 P.M. to 8 P.M.