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Healthcare Professional

Tobacco and Substance Use Prevention and Control Program Prevention Professionals Day (Save the Date)

This conference is intended for community prevention and public health professionals; coalition members; tobacco, substance use and mental health prevention and health promotion practitioners; program managers and administrators; state agency prevention staff; volunteers and task force members; and others who deliver tobacco, substance use and mental health prevention services or who are interested in prevention issues and practice. More information to follow.

Alcohol Prevention Conference

This one day conference is an educational opportunity for professionals working with young adults, ages 18-25, to understand alcohol use issues in Maine and learn practical skills to apply in local communities. Early bird registration fee $25.00 if you pay by August 7th.  Registration fee includes continental breakfast and lunch.

8th Annual Let’s Go: National Obesity Conference

Join us to explore the First 1,000 Days – the critical period from preconception to age 2. Learn about the impact of maternal factors on childhood obesity and the role of early childhood factors in promoting healthy weight. Be a part of the discussion about how to support mothers in giving their children a healthy start. We have an exciting line up of speakers. Please visit the conference website to review our agenda and presenters. And, for those from away – come experience what fall is like in Maine!  Early bird registration fee $325.00 if registered by July 1st.

Maine Military & Community Network Statewide Conference

The keynote speaker, Dr. Carolyn Allard will talk about moral injury, guilt, and shame in the morning. In the afternoon, she will discuss Trauma Informed Guilt Reduction (TrGR training).  Afternoon breakouts will include a presentation from Francine Stark from the Maine Coalition of Domestic Violence, a briefing on Military 101 from the Maine National Guard, and training on post-traumatic effects on the relationship from the Lewiston Vet Center. There will be plenty of military and veteran informational and networking opportunities throughout the day, a panel presentation by Gold Star family members, and breakout sessions that include important and timely issues for military and people who work with them. Veteran Service Representatives will also be available. To round out the day, VetTalkX: Maine Women Veterans will feature five to six Veterans sharing their personal stories of inspiration and accomplishments since leaving the military.  Registration fee for Military Personnel and Veterans $10.00.

Parent Involvement in Cognitive Behavioral Therapy for Adolescent Substance Use

This workshop will introduce essential principles and skills associated with cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT) for adolescent substance use. Participants will learn how to conceptualize cases within a CBT framework, plan treatment, and apply basic CBT strategies to intervene with adolescents who misuse substances. Case examples and role plays will be used to demonstrate use of the following core CBT skills: positive activity scheduling, problem solving, thought changing, and affect regulation. Early bird fee of $55.00 if you pay by Monday June 17th, 2019.  Fee includes a continental breakfast and lunch.

Populations at Risk for OUDs: Risk Factors, Signs and Symptoms

Please join Eric Haram for this half-day, action-oriented session on Friday, May 31, 2019 to explore the essentials of identifying risk factors, screening, and treatment of individuals with Opioid Use Disorder.  As Maine continues to face an epidemic of Opioid Use Disorder (OUD) and drug overdose deaths, it is essential for behavioral health and health care clinicians and organizational teams to understand the factors that contribute to individual and population risk for developing OUD, as well as ways to identify and treat individuals with this too-often deadly condition.  Please join us and learn how you can be part of the solution!  Registration fee includes a continental breakfast.

New England School of Addiction and Prevention Studies

With nearly 100 courses covering dozens of important topics, the New England Summer School is an event not to be missed. Click here for further program information. Coursework has been designed for new substance use disorder counselors, seasoned counselors, prevention specialists, recovery coaches, recovery organizers, criminal justice professionals, agency administrators, allied social service professionals, and all who encounter substance use disorders in their work. We encourage you to register as soon as possible to ensure your course choices. Click here to check out the agenda and course list. More detailed course descriptions may be downloaded here.

Commuter Tuition Cost:  4-Day Commuter: $645; 3-Day Commuter: $495; 2-Day Commuter: $345; 1-Day Commuter: $235

Applied Suicide Intervention Skills

ASIST Learn the Skills.  Help Save a Life. Suicide is preventable.  Anyone can make a difference. Two day workshop in suicide intervention skills.  Learn and practice a life-saving intervention model. Widely used by professionals and general public.

Applied Suicide Intervention Skills Training

ASIST is a two-day interactive workshop in suicide first-aid. ASIST teaches participants to recognize when someone may be at risk of suicide and work with them to create a plan that will support their immediate safety. Although ASIST is widely used by healthcare providers, participants don’t need any formal training to attend the workshop—ASIST can be learned and used by anyone.
Applied Suicide Intervention Skills Training is for everyone 16 or older—regardless of prior experience—who would like to gain suicide first aid skills. Shown by major studies to significantly reduce suicidality, the ASIST model teaches effective intervention skills while helping to build suicide prevention networks in the community