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Healthcare Professional

Principles of Motivational Interviewing: An Introductory Workshop

This introductory course is designed to help clinicians learn basic MI principles, and then translate that knowledge into practice to help individuals quit smoking. Multiple learning approaches will be used throughout the course, including didactics, video demonstrations, role plays, and small group discussions.  Registration fee includes breakfast and lunch.


Applied Suicide Intervention Skills Training

ASIST is a two-day interactive workshop in suicide first-aid. ASIST teaches participants to recognize when someone may be at risk of suicide and work with them to create a plan that will support their immediate safety. Although ASIST is widely used by healthcare providers, participants don’t need any formal training to attend the workshop—ASIST can be learned and used by anyone. Scholarships are available for this training.

Beyond the Basics in Suicide Prevention

The Beyond the Basics conference serves as a “best practice” conference offering participant in-depth and progressive information and the latest research in the field of suicide and suicide prevention. The conference is designed for an adult audience that has attained basic training and knowledge in suicide and suicide prevention, and wishes to expand their knowledge and ability to engage in suicide prevention in Maine.


Opiate and Medication Use, Misuse and Abuse in Seniors

Opiate and Medication Misuse in Seniors will address the challenges and barriers in identifying elders who may be misusing or abusing opiates and other medications. Join Dr. Fingerman as she discusses the effects of these medications on the aging brain and body and the differences between symptoms of addiction compared to symptoms of aging and cognitive decline.  Registration fee $30.00 if paid by March 15th.

Opioid Overdose Prevention

An interactive workshop that will introduce participants to the neurobiology of opioid addiction, focusing on the brain changes resulting from long-term opioid use and the implications for addiction treatment. This workshop will examine the risk factors for opioid overdose as well as the strategies for addressing these risks. Time will be spent discussing client education and counseling designed to reduce risks for opioid relapses and overdoses and how to integrate trauma-informed strategies into discussions with your clients. Finally, participants will be trained on how to use Narcan for reversing an opioid overdose. Lecture, discussion, case studies and exercises will be used to help participant’s gain knowledge and skills important in facing the current opioid epidemic.

Opioid Overdose Prevention

Interactive workshop that will introduce participants to the neurobiology of opioid addiction, focusing on the brain changes resulting from long-term opioid use and the implications for addiction treatment. This workshop will examine the risk factors for opioid overdose as well as the strategies for addressing these risks. Time will be spent discussing client education and counseling designed to reduce risks for opioid relapses and overdoses and how to integrate trauma-informed strategies into discussions with your clients. Finally, participants will be trained on how to use Narcan for reversing an opioid overdose. Lecture, discussion, case studies and exercises will be used to help participant’s gain knowledge and skills important in facing the current opioid epidemic

Tobacco Intervention: Basic Skills Training

Join other healthcare professionals in this one-day training to learn more about nicotine addiction and how to integrate brief, evidence-based tobacco treatment interventions into current practice. It has been well established that brief interventions can significantly increase quit attempts and lead to long term tobacco abstinence. Led by licensed healthcare professionals, this training will increase participants’ confidence for working with patients or clients who use tobacco.  Fee includes breakfast and lunch.

Clinical Skills in the Age of Legal Cannabis

This workshop provides an opportunity for treatment and recovery providers to learn the latest on marijuana with a focus on the latest data, scientific research, and evolving policies.  This workshop will also include information related to marijuana and pregnancy, an overview of the many different forms and routes of consumption of marijuana, and some emerging outcome data from the first states to legalize such as Colorado and Washington.  The workshop will provide tips and guidance to providers on how to engage clients on the topic of marijuana.  Finally, providers will receive an overview of the many reliable national resources available for the science of today’s marijuana.  (Fee includes breakfast and lunch, Early Bird registration fee $50.00 if paid by June 14, 2018)

Clinical Skills in the Age of Legal Cannabis

This workshop provides an opportunity for treatment and recovery providers to learn the latest on marijuana with a focus on the latest data, scientific research, and evolving policies.  This workshop will also include information related to marijuana and pregnancy, an overview of the many different forms and routes of consumption of marijuana, and some emerging outcome data from the first states to legalize such as Colorado and Washington.  The workshop will provide tips and guidance to providers on how to engage clients on the topic of marijuana.  Finally, providers will receive an overview of the many reliable national resources available for the science of today’s marijuana.  (Fee includes breakfast and lunch, Early Bird registration fee $50.00 if paid by April 3, 2018)

Clinical Skills in the Age of Legal Cannabis

This workshop provides an opportunity for treatment and recovery providers to learn the latest on marijuana with a focus on the latest data, scientific research, and evolving policies.  This workshop will also include information related to marijuana and pregnancy, an overview of the many different forms and routes of consumption of marijuana, and some emerging outcome data from the first states to legalize such as Colorado and Washington.  The workshop will provide tips and guidance to providers on how to engage clients on the topic of marijuana.  Finally, providers will receive an overview of the many reliable national resources available for the science of today’s marijuana.  (Fee includes breakfast and lunch, Early Bird registration fee $50.00 if paid by March 23, 2018)