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Health Disparities

One Maine One Health 2019 Annual Conference

MPHA’s annual conference is the largest statewide meeting dedicated to public health, and we feature the latest science, policy and programming related to public health in Maine. We attract 400+ students and professionals with a shared interest to improve and promote public health – and we hope you will join us!  MPHA members registration fee: $90.00.  Early bird fee if paid before July 31st  $72.00.  Non-Member fee:  $160.00, early bird fee $128.00.  Fee includes breakfast and lunch.

LGBTQ and Healthcare Conference

Join us for our 5th annual LGBTQ+ Healthcare Conference. This year the Wabanaki Two-Spirit Alliance will be providing our keynote address and the conference will center around the theme of rural health. This annual conference brings together providers and community members to learn about LGBTQ+ health disparities and build collaborative energy around their different work to address these issues across Maine.

Maternal and Child Health & Substance Exposed Infant Conference

This two-day conference is an opportunity for professionals working with families to discuss strategies to optimize maternal and child health in Maine. Presenters each day will provide a host of information related to Social Determinants of health, Trauma Informed care, Eat Sleep Console, Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder, Maternal Depression, Prenatal Substance Exposure and resources available for working with families in Maine. Registration includes a continental breakfast and lunch.


Maine Public Health Association 2018 Annual Conference

 This year’s conference features 34 oral presentations about addiction, public health programs and research in Maine, a poster session, and a plenary presentation, “Public Health Reimagined: A Blueprint for Building a Modern, Responsive, and Relevant Public Health System in Maine”. Fees for conference are variable, please check the registration form.

Supporting Families, Supporting Youth: Working with LGBT Young People and their Caregivers

Family connectedness and support is an important protective factor in the well-being of LGBT youth. However, many families and young people face challenges navigating their way to strong, affirming relationships. This training is geared towards a broad range of providers representing primary care, mental health, behavioral health, educators, community, clergy, etc. who work with LGBT youth and their families. A light lunch will be provided.


2018 Prevention Professionals Day

SAVE THE DATE! Check back to learn more about the agenda or to register…

Prevention Professionals Day is designed to offer Maine’s Prevention Community a broad range of learning opportunities. The day will focus on providing tools and resources for the field of prevention including the basics of primary prevention, the state, regional, and local landscape of prevention, workforce development opportunities, etc.  The program includes both panel presentations and plenary sessions that will provide the opportunity for interaction among the participants.

Target Audience:
The target audience of this conference includes community prevention coalition professionals and members; substance use and mental health prevention and health promotion practitioners; program managers and administrators; state agency prevention staff; volunteers and task force members; and others who deliver substance abuse and mental health prevention services or who are interested in prevention issues and practice.

Annual Infectious Disease Conference

The annual infectious disease conference targets public health issues of emerging concern to medical practitioners throughout the state. Presentation topics will focus on a range of infectious diseases. CEU’s available.  Register by October 15th for early bird fee of $75.00.

Working with LGBT Clients

This 1-day training will be an introductory level exploration of working with LGBT clients. After a review of terms of relevance to LGBT clients, the presenter will give an overview of clinical issues faced by members of this population, including health disparities. Participants will learn skills to treat and advocate for the needs of LGBT clients. Case examples will be used to demonstrate effective care of LGBT clients. Continental Breakfast, Lunch, workshop attendance and continuing education credit included.
Save $10 if you PAY by Wednesday, August 1- Early Bird fee $50


Beginning Skills for Working with Transgender Clients
Beginning Skills For Working With Transgender Clients

This workshop will be an introductory exploration of working with clients who identify along the transgender spectrum. The training will last for six hours and begin with a review of the terms relevant to transgender clients. It will continue with a discussion of clinical issues transgender clients may present with during your work together as well as health disparities and areas of oppression. Participants will learn skills needed to treat as well as advocate for the needs of transgender clients. Case examples will be used to augment the lecture and to demonstrate effective care of transgender clients. Continental Breakfast, Lunch, workshop attendance and continuing education credit included.
Save $10 if you PAY by September 12, 2018- Early Bird fee $50