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Breaking Out the Boxes: Exploring Gender Variance and the Trans Umbrella

One of the simplest ways to honor others is to affirm who they are. None of us can have healthy relationships with people who invalidate, minimize, or dismiss us. In this workshop, we’ll dismantle and examine what we think of as gender and then reassemble those pieces with a greater understanding of how gender works in our culture. We will also explore language, pronouns, and allyship.
Participants who successfully complete this 3 hour workshop will:
• Become more familiar with language relating to gender identity.
• Understand the components of gender (identity, expression, sex assigned at birth, and chromosomes).
• Learn about the impact of culture and society on gender presentation and expression.
• Discuss the importance of being an ally to those who are gender variant.
• Explore how relationships are strengthened by honoring and affirming others experiences of gender.
Registration Fee includes a continental breakfast.