Each year, pediatricians, family physicians, nurses, mental health clinicians, and other child health affiliates throughout Maine gather at our educational conferences for professional development and networking. Key topics for this year’s conference include childhood trauma and mental illness, promoting post-trauma growth using the Trauma Responsive Framework, the management and treatment of obesity, suicide risk assessment and treatment, human trafficking in Maine, Innovative Plans of Care for Substance Exposed Children & Families including Fetal Alchohol Syndrome, and substance use and vaping among adolescents. SAVE THE DATE
Behavioral Health
The New England School of Addiction and Prevention Studies, often called Summer School, is a 4-day intensive learning experience to further knowledge, skills, and experience in the field of substance use disorder services. Each year, participants from many disciplines come together to form a unique, diverse learning community. Cost varies according to course work taken.
The words we choose have an impact. How we talk about drug use and people who use drugs is informed by our preconceived notions and internalized biases. When we use words like “clean,” we necessarily imply that the opposite is “dirty.” Opioid Use Disorder continues to be a highly stigmatized medical condition, despite many advancements in our understanding of the neurobiological, social, and environmental determinants that impact individual health. People with an Opioid Use Disorder continue to report high rates of discrimination from medical providers, service denials from government entities, and continued unfair targeting by law enforcement. The ramifications of stigma in care environments are far reaching and further compound the opioid crisis. During this workshop, participants will explore personal biases related to opioid use and examine the way that these biases present in language. We will consider the effects that stigmatizing speech and actions have on people who use drugs, and we will discuss how to create an affirming environment that will enhance care for people who use drugs. Registration fee includes a continental breakfast and lunch.
Join us to learn how to incorporate restorative based practices into your youth engagement work.
Are you incorporating social emotional learning into your teaching practice? Working with colleagues to build a trauma- or healing-informed approach? Join fellow educators and youth facilitators in layering a restorative lens onto youth engagement practices. Workshop participants will explore restorative frameworks, build foundational skills, and strategize opportunities to promote restorative approaches in relationships and communities.
The course introduces common mental health challenges for youth and teaches a 5-step action plan for how to help young people in crisis.
Thank you for making time for this two day training. We are excited to work with you all. This opportunity is available for TWO people from your organization who work with young people in any capacity.
Youth Mental Health First Aid is designed to teach parents, family members, caregivers, teachers, school staff, peers, neighbors, health and human services workers, and other caring citizens how to help an adolescent (age 12-18) who is experiencing a mental health or addictions challenge or is in crisis. Youth Mental Health First Aid is primarily designed for adults who regularly interact with young people. The course introduces common mental health challenges for youth, reviews typical adolescent development, and teaches a 5-step action plan for how to help young people in both crisis and non-crisis situations. Topics covered include anxiety, depression, substance use, disorders in which psychosis may occur, disruptive behavior disorders (including AD/HD), and eating disorders.
Participate in a two day intensive dive into youth facilitation best practices.
In this two-day facilitation workshop, you will fill your toolbox with activities, skills and facilitation strategies intended to grow your practice working with youth groups. Learn the skills to help groups solve complex problems, leverage diverse points of view, practice social-emotional skills and build engaging sessions for your team. In this workshop you will walk through activities in real time that are designed to encourage student curiosity and inquiry. Learn how to enhance your debrief and reflection skills to create a deeper understanding of real world experiences and meaningful learning outcomes. Leave with exciting ideas, a new network of like-minded professionals and a few new viewpoints on your role as a youth facilitator!
Participate in a two day intensive dive into youth facilitation best practices.
In this two-day facilitation workshop, you will fill your toolbox with activities, skills and facilitation strategies intended to grow your practice working with youth groups. Learn the skills to help groups solve complex problems, leverage diverse points of view, practice social-emotional skills and build engaging sessions for your team. In this workshop you will walk through activities in real time that are designed to encourage student curiosity and inquiry. Learn how to enhance your debrief and reflection skills to create a deeper understanding of real world experiences and meaningful learning outcomes. Leave with exciting ideas, a new network of like-minded professionals and a few new viewpoints on your role as a youth facilitator!
Youth Mental Health First Aid is designed to teach parents, family members, caregivers, teachers, school staff, peers, neighbors, health and human services workers, and other caring citizens how to help an adolescent (age 12-18) who is experiencing a mental health or addictions challenge or is in crisis. Topics covered include anxiety, depression, substance use, disorders in which psychosis may occur, disruptive behavior disorders (including AD/HD), and eating disorders.
A three-part series focused on leveraging prevention best practices to effectively engage youth within our communities.
Come join the Maine Youth Action Network’s team, in this free training series to learn the neuroscience behind why scare tactics miss the mark in adolescent brains; strategies for directly involving youth in prevention-focused research; and how to grow and sustain lasting, supportive relationships with any young person.
Part 1- Using Neuroscience to Reach Developing Brains February 27th @ Bangor Public Library – Bangor, ME 9:30-4:00
Part 2 – Community Driven Research with Youth April 8th @ TBA 9:30-4:00
Part 3 – Relationships as Protective Factors June 27th @ TBA 9:30-4:00
Over the course of these trainings, attendees will be working in peer cohorts to build and strengthen their networks and professional communities. Due to this structure, if you are interested in only attending one of these training please email allyson.gardner@opportunityalliance.org to be placed on our wait list.
A three-part series focused on leveraging prevention best practices to effectively engage youth within our communities.
Come join the Maine Youth Action Network’s team, in this free training series to learn the neuroscience behind why scare tactics miss the mark in adolescent brains; strategies for directly involving youth in prevention-focused research; and how to grow and sustain lasting, supportive relationships with any young person.
Part 1- Using Neuroscience to Reach Developing Brains December 5th @ The Point – South Portland – 9:30-4:00
Part 2 – Community Driven research with Youth February 6th @ The Opportunity Alliance Timbers Room – South Portland – 9:30-4:00
Part 3 – Relationships as Protective Factors April 2nd @ The Point – South Portland – 9:30-4:00
Over the course of these trainings, attendees will be working in peer cohorts to build and strengthen their networks and professional communities. Due to this structure, if you are interested in only attending one of these training please email allyson.gardner@opportunityalliance.org to be placed on our wait list.